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Twin Flame blog

Twin flames, a rare Sacred connection
Twin Flames are spiritually very advanced souls who have incarnated on earth, eons ago, with the purpose of anchoring the pure frequencies of divine love and Light onto... Read more

Twin Flames, a rare Sacred Connection

Your Twin Flames epic Love Story
Your love journey is eternal, magical, sublime, epic. You've always loved each other. Since you came from Love. Since you were created as one. You've loved each... Read more

Your Twin Flames' epic Love Story

The Twin flames push and pull phenomenon
The "push and pull" refers to an energetic phenomenon that occurs in a twin flames dynamic.
The Soul energy is pulling together its two incarnated... Read more

The Twin Flames Push and Pull phenomenon

The genius energetic twinflames mirror
I had to use that meme for this topic!
I am more and more seeing the perfect and very complex intrication of the Twinflame dynamic mirror into each twin's life. And... Read more

The genius of the Twin flames mirror

The purpose of the Twin Flames healing process
During our Twin Flames healing and ascension process, our Soul will trigger all the parts of ourselves that are still stuck in low vibrations such as fear, terror, guilt,... Read more

The purpose of the Twin Flames healing process: findin...

All I can do is loving you -
All I can do is loving you.
And not for who I want you to be or what I want you to do.
But for who you are.
All I can do is respecting you by giving you the... Read more

All I can do is loving you

The day I became Love Twin Flames
The day I became Love

I didn't know I could love that much, this way.

I didn't know what true love was.

I didn... Read more

The day I became Love

Twin Souls Union is a new territory

The Twin Souls Union is a complete new territory that we are now entering.

We cannot bring the old ways there. We cannot use the same old patterns. We cannot... Read more

Twin Souls Union is a new territory

My Twin Flame's Journey is about integrating my Soul
The twin flame's journey for me is about integrating my Soul.
It means opening the book of my Journey and let my Soul tell me about its stories, its dramas,... Read more

My Twin Flame's Journey : a Soul integration
