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The advanced souls

The advanced souls -


It is souls who have come specifically to assist the evolution and ascension of the Earth.


It is souls who have come to assist the collective transformation of the Earth, for the highest good of humanity.


It is souls who have come to bring all their knowledge, all their wisdom, all their experience and all their richness to put them at the service of the Earth's evolution.


It is souls who have come to bring new ways, news means, news advanced ways that will benefit the greatest number, the greater good of humanity.


It is souls whose mission and purpose is to restore the Earth's glory, beauty, richness and splendor.


It is souls who have come to assist the Earth getting out of the old archaic patterns based on fear and survival.


It is souls who have come to pave the road and show the way of cohesion and unity in all circumstances.


It is souls who have come to teach, share and facilitate the rapid evolution of the Earth's civilization. 


It is souls who carry the spiritual knowing of the original blueprint of the Earth encoded in their being and that have come to live as examples of it.


It is souls who have come to reinstate the frequency of love on Earth, the frequency of unconditional, pure, divine love.


It is ultra sensitive, multidimensional souls, empaths, connected souls to the higher power of Light who have come to remind all of us the true essence of being.


It is souls who come from other worlds, from other universes, from other dimensions, from other galaxies.


These souls are called the starseeds, the blueprinters, the indigo's, the crystal's, the rainbow's, the 144 000's, etc... These souls are very advanced souls, very experienced, very gifted with divine qualities that will assist their mission on Earth. These souls have come on a mission to share their wisdom, their knowledge, their richness in service of the Earth.


All over the world, these souls are now awakening, remembering who they truly are and opening themselves to their destiny, soul path and mission. These souls are continuously assisted, guided and supported by the collective of Higher beings of Light that work for the Ascension of the planet. 


These souls are aware to work for the good of humanity and are always at the service of Light, of Love and of Higher Truth. 


These souls are working for the creation of a new Earth.




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Author: Claire MARGERY


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Friday 17 July 2020 0:00