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Daily energetic routine

How to maintain  a clear energy field and a high vibration during these challenging times that we are in when you are a born empath and sensitive soul ?


Not that easy these days, right?!

It seems more and more difficult or should we say less and less easy to naturally vibrate from our highest Light and to feel good, light, optimistic, enthousiastic, protected and positive without constantly and regularly being energetically pulled and dragged down.

And with good reason ! All the changes brought about by the Ascension of the Earth to a higher level of vibration are naturally causing a lot of lower emotions, dark energies and negativity of all kind, to resurface in our collective space and it seems nearly impossible not to feel them or be affected by them when you are a natural empath and sensitive soul.

Our sensitive nature can very much be overwhelmed by all of these negative energies, which can affect our emotions, causing us to experience strong mood swings.They can also disrupt our sleep patterns and leaving us exhausted.

We could also feel our energy becoming at times heavier, densier and weighed down. And slowly but surely we will loose our bright glow, our lightness of being, our enthousiasm, positivity and joy.


So how to keep a clear energy field and maintain a high vibration on a daily basis ?

As born Beings of Light, we don’t need extra Protection but we sure do love to feel the precious and powerful presence of Angelic Beings by our side. Empaths tend to absorb very naturally what’s around them, trying to transmute it all, and end up most of the time being completely overwhelmed if not drowned by all the harshness and negativity around. And there’s a lot of it at these times for sure !

For sensitive souls like yours and mine, it is of crucial importance to release all of the negativity surrounding them and for which they are very naturally sensitive to. And it is vital to ensure that your energetic body is as light as possible, as fully energetically charged as possible, as open as possible and as fully fed by Divine Light as possible.

I’m thus sharing my daily energetic routine, compiling and combining multiple simple efficient clearing and healing techniques that I gathered over the years, upgraded and borrowed from different spiritual eastern practices and from teachers that I’ve studied under.

This daily energetic routine will instantly release all the negative energies that you might not be aware of, yet very much disrupting your energy and lowering your vibration.

It will remove the negative influence of any negative collective energies pulling you down and will help you to retrieve immediately a clear and bright energy field, naturally open to receive the highest Universal Light. 

You will no longer be pulled down but elevated up, empowered by the presence of Higher Light within all of your being.

Your energy field will naturally open to all the wonderful sources of Light and support who people the Higher Realms of Light to receive the highest frequencies of Light, of Love, of joy, of serenity, of peace in all aspects of your being.


This daily energetic routine is a very efficient energy clearing, which will put your energy back into its natural and balanced center and basis, as of now unaffected by the lower frequencies surrounding you.

With this routine, you will retrieve a bright, shiny and light energy field, freed from any negative interference, whether coming from your collective environment, your ancestors or any other form of negativity impacting you.

As you repeat this routine regularly, you will learn to clear unwanted stalking energies, to heal deeper aspects of you, to draw Light more easily to yourself, upgrading your energy centers, and to dive into a cocoon of Light that will maintain your Sacred Connection to Divine Light, in all circumstances. 

Author : Claire Margery
Duration : 24mn
Format : mp3

Listen to the excerpt here: