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The ancestral burden

The ancestral burden

The unresolved conflicts of  our ancestors speak through our attitudes, behaviors and actions. Our subconscious mind is mostly made of those ancestral memories.

It's encoded in our genes, in our DNA.

Those memories put a heavy weight on our shoulders, most of the time unconsciously, by dictating our behavior. They call for our attention. Those memories of unresolved conflicts are actually calling to be released, not perpetrated.


Recognizing the patterns

Acknowledging these ancestral patterns is the first step to end this unconscious repetition cycle. It is about hearing the voice of our ancestors through our automatisms. Automatisms of thinking, of belief, of answers we give to Life. Who's talking behind those actions ? Which subconscious mind is leading the show ? Ours or our ancestors ?

It is also about recognizing our everyday aches and what they are expressing. What our body is saying ? What blockage is it expressing ? Was our ancestors' body saying the same thing ?

Knowing the details of our generational history can help us understand the patterns in place in our lives. Understanding the games, the beliefs, the repeat scenarios, etc..
For instance, when in the same family, all the women carry the profound belief that men are not reliable, they unconsciously pass this belief to every future generation. This will thus impact the emotional relationship template of the whole lineage, subconsciously established by some ancestral memory at the root of the belief. It will also impact the male template so that the sons of this lineage will carry the belief that they are not worthy, whatever they do.


Releasing the traumas of our ancestors

Memories of traumatic events can also continue to exist in our subconscious mind. Those memories will also impact our template of Life or beliefs in relation to this past traumatic event. And sometimes decide for our biology.

For instance, women that fail giving birth to male infants can carry an ancestral memory encoded in the familial DNA in relation to a traumatic event that took place when one woman of the line was carrying a male infant. The information retained from this event, wether it's related to a woman dying while giving birth to a male infant, or to all male children dying at young age from infantile diseases, etc...) and passed to the whole lineage, can be that carrying a infant male is dangerous for the survival of the lineage. Yet, our genetic code and cellular life are always seeking the best scenario to keep the lineage alive, to maintain this particular brand alive, biologically safe.
Therefore, the information contained in those memories will win over biology and even change our own biology in order to adapt.

It's an important stage of profound release that to unplug ourselves from those family memories. Through our breaking free, we release a part of shadow, of pain, of hurt, of curse attached to those memories. We let go and release energetic blocks that don't belong to us but still somehow continue to be at play through us.


Once we start this phase of liberation, we can then change the course and the events of which our life is composed. As we stop carrying those blocks unconsciously dictating our actions and the scenarios presented to us, we become more self sufficient and independant. We become free. Free of our choices, of our beliefs and of our experiences.
We can therefore choose to live another scenario than the predetermined one written by our ancestors.

Let's break free and create the Life we really want to live. Not the eternal reproduction of the pain our acenstors went through.


Peace and Light,



Soul Healing - Twin Souls - Spiritual care

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Friday 05 May 2017 0:00