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Be your own hero

She needed a hero

And save yourself. You are the only one who can truly save yourself.

You will meet amazing people and awful people down your road. All will teach you something. All will help you in some ways. Because they are your mirrors. And yours only. See them and you will see your hidden truths.

Look closely, very closely and see what you need to see. Look where you don't love yourself unconditionally. Look where you disappointed yourself and still are judging yourself for it. Look where you did terrible things that lead to terrible events and still are feeling so ashamed of it. Look where you betrayed your loved ones in ancient past and still are feeling so guilty about it that you can't forgive yourself.

Look deeply. Confront yours fears. Confront your shadows. Confront your horrors. The bad, the very bad and the ugly. All of them. And save yourself. Learn from your mirrors and do to yourself what your broken self needs and is desperately calling for.


Do yourself a favor and Save You. Heal You.


You are your own hero. You are the only hero in your story. The only one. Even if you feel like you are not fit for the job. Do it anyway. If you don't do it, who's gonna save you ? There is no one more important than yourself for the role. No one. You are the chosen one. It's you! You are the one. You are the savior of your own story. Don't wait for some outside rescuing. Helpers can only show you the way. Helpers can only give you tools and useful ways to do it. Helpers can only tell you how they did save themselves. But they can't do it for you. They can't save you. You can.


Own your healing.

Own your rescuing.

Own your story.

You are the hero! Time to live as one.


Peace and Light,



Soul Healing - Twin Souls - Spiritual care

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Friday 19 May 2017 0:00