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Healing the Sacred Masculine

Healing the sacred masculine

As we are currently balancing the masculine and feminine energies, let's focus now on the healing of the Sacred Masculine. If you'd like to join me for this healing, just be with me in awareness and allow whatever comes to you to come. 


Close your eyes. Breathe. Let's take a moment to centre ourselves into our hearts. In our sacred space. And let him come to you as you call him, our inner Male. Allow yourself to see him. To feel him and to tune into him. As he appears, confident and secure, standing up with all his strength, we can feel him. We can feel the force and what's behind it.

We can see through him. All the pain beneath the appearance. What eons of struggle, fight, blows, beating, demeaning, humiliation, attacks, torture, murder and more have to done to him. 


The wounded warrior. That fought. Always. For protecting his family, for his lands, for his ideas, for his honor, for his truth. Always standing up for what he believes in. 

As the masks are falling down, we see him all broken, all wounded, all shattered, beaten and defeated. And we can feel his shame. He always thought he had to be in charge. The only one in charge of everyone and everything. Of keeping everyone else safe. Of fighting for everyone. Feel his shame when he couldn't get this done. How responsible he feels. How unworthy he feels, beating himself up over and over again. In silence. In the depth of his heart. How he might even see himself as a failure as he thinks he disappointed everyone. 

We need to help him forgive himself. For not feeling good enough, useless and unreliable. And we can help him remove his profound guilt. Of all the losses he thinks he is responsible for. As he is repairing his broken self esteem, we can help him see how courageous he is. How dedicated he is to the causes he believes in. How powerful and brave he is. He always did his best and always does. We can release all the pressure he has upon his shoulders. And let him just exist, as he is. Not who the world wants him to be, not what he thinks the world is expecting to be. 


As we tune into him more deeply, we can feel how afraid and lost he feels. He doesn't know who he is anymore. Who to be. As a human being. As a man. He spent so much time and energy denying his own feelings, emotions and senses that he lost himself in the mirror of others. And he won't allow being seen simply as he is as he feels too vulnerable. We need to help him reconnect with himself, with his true divine nature. Let's allow him to feel his emotions. To feel his fears. To feel his anger, and particularly his anger toward God (source, the universe) as he felt too much pressure on him on what he thinks God wanted him to do. And to feel his heart. We help plunging now into feelings that have been buried for so long. Let's open his heart to love. Unconditional love. Let him feel it. The love of God (source, universe). Let him feel how big his heart is. How pure. How strong. 


Now that he is on his way to reconnect with his inner essence, we can help him remember the glorious being he is. We admire his strength, his honor, his force. We value his courage, his determination, his detachment. And we honor his presence, his self confidence, his heart and his fragility. 


To you my inner God I honor you as you are and for being my protector in any circumstances.

To all the males whose inner Gods are awakening and rising up I honor you!


The Masculine sacred energy exists within all of us. It is the Yang inherent complement of the Yin. Every one can seek his inner Masculine to heal him.




Soul Healing - Twin Souls - Spiritual care

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Thursday 29 December 2016 0:00