We are now wrapping up 2019 on this last day of 2019 and closing the door of the second decade of this century, preparing ourselves for a new era to come.
This decade has personally changed me to my very core, revealing my true nature, revealing who I really am.
No more fear.
No more hiding.
No more filter.
As I let go of my ego identifications all along this decade, with tears and pain, I found my true self. In the midst of the internal chaos of awakening, I found my Soul. I found my love, my true love, in the truth of my heart. And I found my true Soul Light family. Actually, I found everything I had always been searching for deep down inside of me.
This was the most incredible, challenging, extraordinary, breathtaking and unforgettable decade I have ever lived in my whole life. This was a decade for me and many of us of such a deep transformation, of such a deep healing, of such a deep exploration of our spiritual nature.
In this decade, I awakened to the remembrance of my Soul story, of my Soul essence and of my Soul love.
I awakened to my multidimensionnality, revisiting so many moments of my Soul experience. Some terryfing, some devastating, others magical and extraordinary. All in favor of my healing, growing and expansion.
I awakened to my own power, my Soul power and its natural gifts. I retrieved my skills, my natural abilities and my energy power. I went to places I didn't know existed to retrieve pieces of me still lost in the dark. I used and gathered spiritual techniques I didn't know of, on my spiritual Light team's wise guidance.
I awakened to my femininity, diving deep into my own sacred goddess essence, in both vulnerability and power.
I awakened to my sacred sexuality, discovering the true meaning of the union of the masculine and feminine in divine Love.
I awakened to Love, true, unconditional, pure, infinite, beautiful Love. I opened doors of my heart I didn't know existed to let Love in. I removed barriers I didn't know were there blocking Love out.
And my heart cracked open many times to merge with divine love as it was always meant to.
I awakened to a world my little unawekened self wasn't aware of and it changed everything. I got put on track. On my Soul track.
Reconnecting with my Soul and its magnificence, with my Soul and its pure essence of Light, with my Soul and its only true Love, with my Soul and its world brought me back to who I really am. To my true core.
And I came home, my true home.
This is the most valuable and fantastic experience I'm so blessed to have experienced during this decade and still am experiencing to this day. And I am so grateful for all of it.
To those I let go, to those who took a different path, to those who left my life, I say thank you. You have helped me grow, learn and heal. You have helped me see deeper perspectives and always made me go deeper on my own healing path. I honor you in deep gratitude. Always.
To those I share this path with today, I say "We're doing this! We came here for it, now is the time to do what we came here to do together, in Love, Light and true Power. "
There is so much more to come, so much more to discover, to heal, to retrieve, to explore, and to become. We are entering an Era that we have been waiting for on a global scale. On a cosmic scale. We are now entering the era we actually came for.
I am so happy to be a part of this tremendous transformation we are all going through. I am so blessed and honored for each and every one of you. I am honored to be a part of this unprecedented planetary healing and ascension, with you all, working together to bring Light and Love back to their original purposes.
And I am looking forward to share more of my work, more of my learnings and my Soul wisdom with you all in this upcoming new decade.
To this new Era!
To this new dawn!
To this new Light!
To your Soul Light, power and Love!
With love,
Author: Claire MARGERY
Souce: energyclaire.com/en
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Multidimensional Soul Healing - Twin Flames healing
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