The child that we used to be during our childhood still lives within us somewhere. We call him the inner child and he is in relation with our emotional subtle body.
All the emotions, positive and negative, lived by our inner child have been stored and memorized by our emotional body as well as in various areas of our brain.
This highly sensitive emotional "persona" was built through his experiences, situations and people who surrounded him. Each strong emotion has been merged with the experienced event and associated with the persons concerned.
It is then that our inner child began to create belief systems in order to give an explanatory framework to his emotional perceptions. Beliefs about the world, about men, about women and about himself which will allow him to identify himself and learn how to react to the situations he's going through.
As he interacted with his parents (role models, tutors, guardians..), our inner child created a "model type" template of relationships that will rule his future interactions with the men and women who will cross his path. And from the nature of these parental bonds will depend the quality of his future relationships. And mostly the quality of his romantic relationships.
Thus, we project and attract what our inner child believes and feels.
The scenario can seem complex since we collected thousands of emotions and experiences in our childhood but we could simplify it this way, regarding the painful experiences anyway:
Thus, from his own painful emotional experience, our inner child will interpret painful past events, bring a belief out of it to explain his emotional pain that he's gonna then spend the rest of his life projecting onto the world surrounding him and more particularly onto his romantic partner.
How to avoid then projecting our own secret subconscious wounds onto our partner and loved ones ?
How to get out of this stalemate that keeps ruining our emotional and romantic relationships ?
How to heal our bonding wounds that keep preventing us from knowing the real intimacy of the heart with the other ?
One of the possible ways to do it and get out of these scenarios of failure is to go within to meet our inner child and listen to his story. His story of pain, of suffering, of wounding, of unloved child, of unworthy child, etc...
Then to understand how he has been affected by those experiences, the beliefs he deduced from them, and the defense mechanisms he put up to protect himself from any potential pain to come.
By understanding the countermeasures he uses (avoiding, running, codependency, addictions, overprotection,...) as coping mechanisms and by going back to the root cause of his deep painful experiences, we allow the pain and the belied attached to it to be released.
This liberating process allows the adult that we are today not to be ruled by our wounded inner child and allows us to reach deep emotional maturity in order to pave the way for a profound authentic intimate relationship with another.
Is your inner child calling for your attention ?
Heal your inner child and you will heal your emotional and romantic relationships.
Transform your blockages and your life will be transformed!
Author: Claire MARGERY
Source: energyclaire.com/en
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