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The day I became Love

The day I became Love Twin Flames

The day I became Love

I didn't know I could love that much, this way.
I didn't know what true love was.
I didn't know what unconditional love was.
I didn't know that my heart had the capacity of feeling such a pure and infinite love.
I didn't know the true essence of Love.
Until I found my own soul, nestled in another one's heart.
Until I found the divine, right here within my heart.
Until I found out that I was Love itself.
The day that I learned unconditional love,
the day that my heart cracked wide open
is the day that I merged with Love itself.
It is the day I became Love.
In Sacred Love,

All rights  reserved.


Author: Claire MARGERY


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Soul portrait - Soul healing

Twin Flames


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Monday 18 March 2019 0:00