How to break a painful cycle and create new ways for a new cycle to start ?
Every time an old cycle comes up again in my life, my ego starts panicking and instantly reminds me all the emotions I felt every time this cycle was on in my life. What I felt, what I thought, what I believe will happen, and what I chose to do to survive it. So my ego is trying to rule the way I handle what is being presented in my life, based on what it did to survive it the last time.
And that's how we keep repeating the cycles. Situations present themselves in our life, and our conditioned responses determine their course. Or in other way, our conditioned responses energetically attract those situations into our life to be repeated over and over until we break the cycle.
How to break the cycle then ?
In order to change the painful situations we experience as cycles, we need to change our conditioned responses. We need to allow something to change to break the pattern. We need to give this situation a new response. And rewire our brain and our ego so that we can give another response than the ones we used before. We must allow ourselves to know that it would still be safe for us to do differently this time.
So when you recognize a pattern and a situation that presents itself over and over in your life, allow yourself to see the pattern. To see your automatic responses. To see the fear behind the responses. And do something different. Break the pattern and give the situation another response. You might be saying yes without question this time, you might be saying no with precaution and need for boundaries, you might be taking a leap of faith, etc..
Do something different than you used to do. Think differently. Feel it differently. And see what happens. Feel what happens in your body. Usually some fear rises up as your ego is really not confident that it will keep you safe. And usually some excitement is being felt too as a sign you are on the right track.
If you're feeling too much emotions and fear though, it might be the call to go within, or find help, in order to clear the old painful memory at the root of the cycle. That can happen when too much resistance rises up and takes over.
Whatever you do, make your responses different. You have nothing to loose but so much to gain. If you don't change your responses, well the situation is already here and you will get the same painful results. And sometimes we're not ready yet to make the change and that's okay. But if you're ready and do change your responses, you might actually experience change and put an end to some painful endless cycle and allow new better things in your life!
It's worth the try, isn't it ?
Author: Claire MARGERY
Source: energyclaire.com/en
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