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All I can do is loving you

All I can do is loving you -


All I can do is loving you.
And not for who I want you to be or what I want you to do.
But for who you are.


All I can do is respecting you by giving you the space you need,
by granting you all the time you need to grow and evolve the way you want to.


All I can do is supporting your choices and your way of living.
All I can do is supporting you through the challenges and difficult times of your life.
All I can do is love you for who you are and who you are to become.


All I can do is just love you,
and embracing you with my tenderness, affection, kindness and compassion.


All I can do is offering you my love, my support, my light, my heart.



In sacred love,


All rights  reserved.


Author: Claire MARGERY


Please do not cut this article nor modify its content. Shares must imperatively include the mention of its source ( in respect to my work. Thank you!


Soul portrait - Soul healing

Twin Flames


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Instagram @energyclairemargery


Artist credit: Muhammed Salah. Follow his work on instagram @muhammedsalah_

Sunday 16 June 2019 0:00