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Twin Flames, a Sacred rare Connection

Twin flames, a rare Sacred connection


Twin Flames are spiritually very advanced souls who have incarnated on earth, eons ago, with the purpose of anchoring the pure frequencies of divine love and Light onto the earth plane.

They have chosen to integrate this earth plane as two "separate" polarities: one feminine and the other one masculine, but they are born from the same original divine monad, from the same original "divine egg". Twin Flames are two aspects of one single essence of Light who are journeying together throughout their earthly incarnation path.

Here are 7 main characteristics of this incredible rare connection that are Twin Flames.



The souls of Twin Flames immediately recognize each other as soon as they find themselves in the physical presence of each another as they both carry the exact same vibration of being one single unique essence of Light. This profound truth is immediately reactivated within their Sacred higher Heart and will leave none of them indifferent for sure.

An ecstatic "out of this time and out of this planet" period of time usually follows their physical encounter especially for the feminine polarity, as they spend more and more time together. This reactivation will inevitably become the starting point of a profound sacred spiritual initiation and transformation for both of them.

The relationship is one of intense spiritual connection with immediate opening of the Sacred Heart, mostly within the feminine polarity of the pair for whom then begins a long awakening journey to this deep higher Soul truth.



There are different types of connection that exists between souls bonding with one another on the Earth plane.

Twin Flames are a unique type of connection that is different from the soulmates' connection.

Soulmates are indeed two distinct souls following their own personal evolution journey who meet each other during incarnation, always by soul contract, in order to evolve together. They weren't born from the same divine egg but are often part of the same soul group and share as such great familiarity and an obvious natural energetic complicity between these two soulmates who have often spent many lifetimes together. Soulmates have formed strong heart connections and bonds over lifetimes together and they usually incarnate together to fulfill their own personal evolution journey, work on healing their respective Soul challenges and help each other out developing and mastering new skills during this incarnation.

Twin Flames, on the other hand, only form one single unique Higher essence of Light and were indeed born from the same monad of Light. They possess as such a unique core vibration of Light, a unique vibrational Soul signature and are experiencing this earthly incarnation journey always bound and connected - from within - to each other.

They have often chosen to incarnate in very different life patterns with for example different origins, different races, different ages, different economical backgrounds, different cultures, etc... with the aim of pushing them to naturally transcend these perceived obstacles in order for them to find their way back to their true Unity and open their hearts to the unconditional soul love that they share.

The recognition of this other aspect of Light of themselves within the heart of the other will then trigger within Twin Flames their Soul awakening and unique ascension process.



The recognition in the Sacred Heart of Twin Flames of their Soul truth activates their awakening and triggers their ascension process.

Once in the presence of their own aspect of Light, Twin Flames necessarily become increasingly aware of their Soul and start a close relationship with it.

First within the feminine polarity who is the first one awakened to this deep soul truth and will gradually access her true nature of Light. Then within the masculine polarity, even though for the latter this soul truth is in many cases slower to be consciously integrated, which is partly due to a deeper immersion and ingraining from the masculine polarity into the third dimensional plane.

This reconnection with their true soul nature, with their true nature of unique being of Light and the profound divine love which unites them will trigger within the pair a unique accelerated ascension process to help them release and heal all the wounded, traumatized and separated aspects of their soul related to their earth incarnation journey in order for them to find their way back to their original unity, to their wholeness and to their spiritual power while remaining incarnated here on Earth.

This period of intense spiritual healing of both of their beings will bring a significant amount of pain, conflict, opposition and negativity to resurface between the pair as they undergo a complete purging, releasing and cleansing of their chakras in a purification process, masterly orchestrated by their Soul.

Having to face their own deepest soul wounds, their own soul core traumas is a very challenging, uncomfortable and painful experience that will cause, in the vast majority of cases, separation, silence, conflict, opposition and/or temporary distance between Twin Flames.

Twin Flames then often experience many dark nights of the Soul, following their awakening.

Reconnecting with their own divine core Light inexorably brings them to face their most hidden shadows and all that these two soul aspects have been carrying that isn't aligned with divine Love and Light with the purpose of healing those negative aspects so they may be yet again aligned with their higher dimension of Light.

Through a process, prepared over several lifetimes ahead, Twin Flames begin indeed a long healing journey of their Soul (past lives, karmic patterns, soul resistances, ancestral lineage, feminine template, masculine template, sexual energy, etc...) and opening of their Soul gifts, talents and natural divine abilities in a constant mirror game between the pair set to accelerate their healing process.


The connection between Twin Flames always works in mirror.
It is an energetic and vibrational mirror, invisible for the human ego.

Twin Flames always see each other as souls, as a unique entity of Light, and are constantly reflecting back to each other their own Light, their own soul radiance but also their own pains, their own limitations, their own negativity.

Everything that has been inscribed in a negative and traumatic way within their own Akashic records, within their subtle bodies will be manifested and mirrored between Twin Flames.

Thus limitations and traumatic pains deeply anchored within one aspect of the pair are most likely energetically mirrored by the other. What has been negatively internalized and carried by one polarity as ancient painful baggage will be subconsciously negatively externalized by the other with the aim to be eventually seen, heard, released and put into healing.

It is a powerful spiritual healing tool and a perfect energetic projection mechanism between the pair of their own shadows but also of their gifts, power and unique Light.

The "energetic mirror phenomenon", which only externalizes and projects what the pair vibrationnally carries at some deeper level of their being, is intrinsically connected to their unique joint energy field of Light.



This is probably the most primary characteristic of Twin Flames: their single vibrational energy field.

Twin Flames are one single unique Soul vibration incarnated within two bodies.
One single divine Sacred Flame incarnated within two bodies.

They only form, vibrationnally and energetically speaking, one single unit, one unique energetic entity.

As such, they share only one single common energy field which lives in unison at all times and in constant communication. Twin Flames can therefore feel and live without distinction the emotions, pains, joys, thought patterns of each other depending on what each one is currently experiencing in their own reality.

This energetic specificity is different from empaths and highly sensitive souls who, often by excess of sympathy, empathy and lack of healthy energetic boundaries, tend to expand their own energy field in order to embody and transmute themselves the negative emotions of those around them.

Twin Flames, however, have always coexisted in internal connected vessels and their ascension and healing process is going to accelerate this natural state to live as One in two bodies, to live within two bodies as One single energetic essence of Light.

Twin Flames thus often experience great telepathy which is the trademark of their system. It is an advanced internal telepathy which is inherent to their energetic system and is different from the most common experiences of telepathy between people, like soulmates, who are often on the same wave length and can easily finish each other's sentences.

Twin flames' Sacred Hearts do communicate in telepathy, their mental and higher selves too. Their system starts to operate more and more naturally in a constant feedback of information between these two aspects of Light as they are purging their system and chakras from old negativity, making more room for their natural state of being.

Twin Flames are even capable of having telepathic conversations with each other although they may haven’t physically seen each other or talked to each other for months, or even years. They can even sometimes pick up the internal dialogue of the other. Their inner connection and communication is permanent, constant, alive.

Twin Flames can also regularly communicate on the astral plane, visit in each other in their dreams - which do not really look like dreams but rather spaces of vibrational meeting and communication between the pair who can deliver messages to one another and share their unconditional love and continuous support through this mean of communication.

They can via their unique single vibrational field feel their own sexual energy, sensing the remote touch of the other whilst being miles away from each other, and experiencing energetic ecstasies in their sleep as their two soul aspects meet up in the higher realms.

Once the negativity related to their past incarnations released, Twin Flames then live in the bliss of their unified unique energy field, with their feminine and masculine polarities balanced, their chakras aligned and open, and their common and personal akashic records pacified.



Twin Flames' sexuality is the profound energetic union of their masculine and feminine polarities unified through the unconditional love of their Sacred Heart.

As they both undergo a deep cleansing of their sexual energy and healing of each of their own inner masculine energy or polarity yang and their own inner feminine energy or polarity yin, Twin Flames harmonize their essences, live in unconditional love and experience the energetic merging of their physical, energetic and spiritual bodies in an alchemical process of Sacred Union with the divine (referred as Hieros Gamos).

They then access the merging of their essence of Light through their sacred sexuality, live in complete oneness, which allows them to embody and anchor their unified frequency of being of Light onto this earth plane and be a vessel for true Divine Love to radiate out of their field.



Twin Flames have incarnated on earth to show the way of unconditional Love through their own journey back to inner Wholeness and through the energetic Union of their own feminine and masculine polarities.

Twin Flames have come to show an example of spiritual ascension, i.e existing on Earth utterly embodied as their own divine essence of Light, radiating the frequency of divine Love and sharing divine wisdom through their access to higher realms being continuously open.

Twin Flames, because of their own sacred healing journey which will have them heal, not without suffering nor great resistance, their own masculine and feminine polarities, are showing the way of the sacred complementary Union of the original Feminine and Masculine energies, which exists in the pure and original state in perfect symbiosis, complementarity and harmony within all of us.

Twin Flames have come to assist the earth to transcend old, distorted and outdated patterns of over-polarization at play for eons on this planet, which consists in making opposites systematically and dramatically oppose each other with the aim of creating separation and division instead of merely seeing these opposites for what they are: complementary just as day and night whose natural complementarity between solar masculine energy and lunar feminine energy allows Life to be birthed, bloom and thrive on earth.

Twin Flames are thus assisting the planet to heal and reharmonize the universal Feminine principle, which has mainly been disregarded, belittled, censured, debased, demonized and suppressed for centuries, and the universal Masculine principle, which has mainly been distorted, disconnected, decentered, and in constant hunger for power in some delusional survival aim for centuries.

By healing their own feminine and masculine polarities, delivered from any negative human conditioning, from any negative old baggage, and from any negative limitations or past traumas occurred on the earth plane, Twin Flames are helping to heal and restore the collective templates of the sacred universal feminine and masculine energies.

They have come to show the path of inner wholeness which is the way for humanity to transcend old limited and conditioned patterns of human relationships, mainly based on codependency and survival.

Through their own sacred healing journey and by their example and radiance, Twin Flames allow the ones that they touch around them to follow their own Soul healing journey for themselves, at their own Soul evolution pace.

By going back to their original soul truth of being a unified in its inner yin and yang essence of Light, Twin Flames are anchoring the frequency of divine unconditional Love that they naturally radiate on the earth plane through their Sacred Heart.

Therefore, they are naturally showing the way of true, unconditional, infinite, eternal, free, compassionate, benevolent, divine and sacred Love.



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Author: Claire MARGERY


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Sunday 14 April 2024 0:00